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Britain sets up ‘VC club’ to boost investor activity in Israel

UK investments account for only 3% of $10 billion raised by Israeli startups in 2020, ‘leaving UK investors behind’; new invite-only forum aims to close gap with closer ties
Times of Israel
May 5, 2021

The UK-Israel Tech Hub, in collaboration with law firm Taylor Wessing, has launched an exclusive "VC club" to foster collaboration and shared business intelligence between venture capital (VC) funds from the UK and Israel. The aim is to address the limited market share of UK investors in Israeli startups, which accounted for only 3% of the $10 billion invested in Israeli startups in 2020, compared to the 35% contributed by US investors. At the same time, there is growing interest from Israeli investors seeking investment opportunities in the UK technology market. The VC club will facilitate increased access to the Israeli startup ecosystem for UK investors and help Israeli investors identify opportunities in the UK. The UK-Israel Tech Hub, established in 2011, aims to promote economic growth by connecting British companies with Israeli innovation. The VC club will serve as a platform for information exchange, one-on-one meetings between investors and founders, and the organization of events and summits. The initiative aims to strengthen ties between the two countries and enhance collaboration in the tech sector.

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