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Wilco appoints Natasha Shine-Zirkel as Chief Business Officer

Wilco appoints Natasha Shine-Zirkel as Chief Business Officer
September 19, 2022

Wilco, a company that offers an upskilling platform for software developers, has announced the appointment of Natasha Shine-Zirkel as Chief Business Officer. In her new role, Shine-Zirkel will be responsible for all customer-facing functions, including Marketing, DevRel, Sales, CSM, and Partnerships, and will play a key role in Wilco's strategy and growth.

Before joining Wilco, Shine-Zirkel served as the Business Verticals Group Manager at Fiverr, where she oversaw a significant portion of the freelancer services catalog. She has also held senior positions in Marketing, BizDev, Operations, and Developer Relations at various technology companies, including Kin, Kik, and Rounds.

Shine-Zirkel expressed her excitement about joining Wilco, praising the company's innovative upskilling platform for engineers. She highlighted Wilco's rapid progress in terms of team building, user growth, funding, and partnerships, and expressed her enthusiasm for working with the mission-driven team to make accelerated career growth accessible to developers worldwide.

Wilco's platform functions as a "flight simulator" for software developers, allowing them to enhance both soft and hard skills through hands-on training. Developers can join a virtual tech startup and tackle challenging scenarios that replicate real-world complexities using their actual tools and technology stack. Since its launch a few months ago, the platform has attracted thousands of active users, and leading dev tool companies such as New Relic, Applitools, and JFrog have partnered with Wilco to create training content.

Founded in 2021, Wilco was established by On Freund as CEO, Shem Magnezi as CTO, and Alon Carmel as CPO.

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